How do I get paid by CPAgrip?
Go to the “Payments” section. There you will choose which payment method you prefer. We can pay you via PayPal, Payoneer Prepaid Card, or Payoneer Direct Wire Transfer.
Please make sure to upload a tax form to the Account section. If you are a US resident, upload a W9. If you are not a US resident, upload a W8.
Once you have earned a minimum of $50, your first payment date will be scheduled for approximately one month later.Can I get paid on a faster schedule?
We start every publisher off on Net30 (one payment per month), with the option of upgrading to Net15 (one payment every two weeks) or Net7 (one payment every week) upon proving that you have good traffic quality and consistent earnings. You can feel free to contact me on Skype or via private message if you feel you are qualified to get faster payments.I need money right now. Can I get an early payment?
If you are a new user to CPAGrip we ask that you wait until your first scheduled payment date. We need some time to verify traffic quality from new users before cashing out earnings. If you have been with us for a while you can feel free to contact me on Skype with this request and I’d be happy to accommodate you if your traffic quality is good.My payment is due this week and I need to change my payment method. How can I do this?
Contact me on Skype or over PM and I can assist you. Generally speaking we ask that you update your payment method before the week of your payment to make things easier for the payments center.Some of my leads have been reversed. What happened?
Our advertisers reverse leads when they determine the traffic that generated them to be low quality. For example, if you use Microworkers and pay someone in Bangladesh to use a proxy IP and fill out a US offer with fake information, the advertiser will reverse this lead, as it is of no value to them. They are looking for legitimate data from real users who live in the offer’s target country. Any lead that falls short of this standard risks reversals. Also, if you violate TOS in your promotions, your leads could get reversed. If you feel that your lead has been reversed unfairly you can feel free to contact me on Skype to discuss the issue.My account is on hold. What happened?
The advertiser determined that the majority of your traffic was fraud. This means your leads fell far short of the quality standard of legitimate data coming from real users who live in the offer’s target country. If you feel you have been unfairly banned, you can reach out to me on Skype to discuss the issue.Do you have a referral program?
Yes. Click “Refer a Friend” to see your referral link. Anyone who signs up with that link will be registered under you as a referral. You will receive a 5% commission in your account from whatever earnings they generate.How do I use the chat feature?
Once you earn a minimum of $25, you will gain access to the chat, which you can use to post your earnings in the public feed, or chat with any private members (including admins).How much can I make with CPAGrip?